Chief Executive Officer
portfolio with resilient earnings visibility
with RM 18.1 billion in total assets
& strong leadership in ethical conduct
on our value creation
to future-proof the business
(2021: RM 1.2 billion)
Profit for the year
(2021: RM 0.5 billion)
Property Value
(2021: RM 15.6 billion)
Net Asset Value per Stapled Security
(2021: RM 7.21)
Distribution per Stapled Security
(2021: 33.60 sen)
since establishment of the Stapled Securities
Tenant Satisfaction
Guest Satisfaction score
Record tenant sales,
surpassed pre-pandemic levels by
new tenants, some are first and exclusive to Suria KLCC
Secured additional
car parking bays at various locations in Putrajaya
Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers at car parks within KLCC Precinct, bringing total to
Financial capital is applied to enable us to execute our growth strategy and in mitigating risks to sustain performance typically with positive impact on Portfolio, Employees, Knowledge and Relationships capitals. This however may impact our Portfolio capital with reduced financial allocation towards capital expenditure and investments.
Investing in asset enhancement initiatives and reducing the environmental footprint will benefit the Natural, Knowledge, Employees and Relationships capitals, but comes at a cost to Financial capital. However, in the long-term, these investments expand our business capacities, valuation and brand equity.
Investment in leadership capabilities development, ongoing business processes and digital technology lead to positive impact on the Portfolio, Employees, Natural and Relationships capitals that may reduce the Financial capital. However, this will benefit all our six capitals in the longer term.
Investing Financial capital in upskilling employees is key for the future workplace growth and employee retention. In the longer term, this provides benefits to Employees, Knowledge and Portfolio capitals.
Our investments to minimise carbon footprint have preserved our Natural capital and positively impact our Portfolio, Knowledge capitals in exchange for Financial capital.
Strong Relationships with our stakeholders will improve all capitals. Contribution and support assistance may impact Financial capital but will improve Relationships, Employees and Portfolio capitals in the longer term.